Call For Paper
We invite research papers, workshop proposals, and panel proposals on, but not limited to, the following topics:
Topic 1: Information Technology and Computer Science
Management Information Systems
Distributed Computer System
Computer Networks and Communication
Information Storage
Trusted Computing and Fault-Tolerant Computing
Operating System
Software Engineering
Information Security
Web Technology
Topic 2: Big Data
Foundational Models for Big Data
Algorithms and Programming Techniques for Big Data Processing
Big Data Analytics and Metrics
Representation Formats for Multimedia Big Data
Cloud Computing Techniques for Big Data
Big Data as a Service
Big Data Open Platforms
Big Data in Mobile and Pervasive Computing
Big Data Persistence and Preservation
Big Data Quality and Provenance Control
Management Issues of Social Network Big Data
Models and Languages for Big Data Protection
Big Data Encryption
Big Data Analysis Search and Mining
Topic 3: Artificial Intelligence ,Automation and Control
Automation Control System
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Intelligent System Design
Intelligent Decision Support
Intelligent Robot
Topic 4: Machine Learning
Active Learning
Data Mining
Deep Learning
Evolutionary Computation
Feature Selection/Construction
Learning Graphical Models
Learning Preferences or Rankings
Learning Theory
Machine Learning
Neural Networks
Online Learning
Reinforcement Learning
Relational Learning
Semi-Supervised/Unsupervised Learning
Structured Learning
Topic 5: Communication and Networking
Computer Networks
Network Security
Network Communications
Biometric Sensors and Identification
Wearable Technology and Body Sensor Networks
Brain Informatics Sensing and Processing
Social Computing, Social Internet of Things and Swarm Intelligence Networks
Internet of Thinking and Creation
Affective Computing
Brain-Computer Interface/Brain-Machine Interface
e-Learning and MOOCs
Mobile and Smart Healthcare
Deep Learning and Urban Computing
Topic 6: Electronic and Embedded Systems
Modern Circuit Theory and Applications
Computational Electromagnetics and Electromagnetic Simulation Technology
Embedded Systems
Sensor Research
Antenna Technology
RF Components
Topic 7: Computational Methods and Algorithms, Data and Signal Processing
Linear and Nonlinear Programming
Fuzzy Optimization
Algorithm design and optimization
Complex Network Systems Theory and its Applications
Computer Vision
Image Processing
Audio/Speech Processing and Coding
Signal Processing for Communications